Tuesday, January 16, 2007

In the Snow

Both photos taken during the snowfall this aftenoon.


Unknown said...

Very peacefull mood.

Anonymous said...

I love the first shot. Very Christmassy.

Michael P. Randazzo said...

Snow and Ice make such nice subjects.

Mike Holley said...

I can't remember when we last had scenes like this where I am in England.

I am trying to work out whether you've converted the images to B&W..?

Randi T. said...

I love the top on, it's looks like it could be the front of a card. Very peaceful.

Ancientimages said...

So beautiful!!! I, too, thought the first image would be lovely on a Christmas card. I love snow, although the snow here has been a bit inconvenient lately.

davidsmeaton said...

nice! i love the house. it must be cold there ... but for me this would be heaven. i'd love to be able to see this much snow. :)

just wow!


TheStick said...

LOVE the top one with the little cabin! Would make a great post card!