Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

Fireworks last night across the harbour. For a while it was snowing and really windy, we didn't think the fireworks would go ahead. But they did and it was a great show.


Unknown said...

OMG! Great pictures! I envy you :)

tooohip said...

You got to see fireworks, I'm so jealous. ;-) Great start to your PAD! Happy New Year!

Zippy said...

Happy New Year! I like the reflection on the water.

kaye said...

Glad to see you're continuing into the new year Karen! These are fantastic... you can tell just how windy it was from the trails of smoke going sideways. Happy New Year! :)

Corey Ford said...

Nice shots :) the harbour reflection makes a nice forefront to the photo. Happy New Year, thanks for the comments on my blog.

Anonymous said...

Such beautiful colors. The reflections of the water are wonderful.

Elizabeth Abbott said...

Great way to kick off the PAD! Amazing shots you've got here!!

Michael P. Randazzo said...

Great Shots

davidsmeaton said...

brilliant images karen ... that landscape with the reflections is great.

fantastic start to the 2007 PAD challenge. good luck!



talj said...

Stunning shots! Great start to your PAD 2007! :o)

Alain said...

Great start for your 2007 PAD project. I will come back often to see your work.

All the best,

Erik said...

Love the reflections, they really add to the image.