Tuesday, January 09, 2007


A gull landing on Quidi Vidi Lake.


Michael P. Randazzo said...

Great Stop Action, guessing about a 500th of a sec?

Anonymous said...

Very nice. He looks like hes walking on the water.

talj said...

I really like how you have managed to get the bird nicely positioned in the frame, not an easy thing to do! and I love the ripples in the water :o)

puzzled p said...

Heehee, I did a gull in today's entry on my pad (before I saw this one). You'll have to read the text there :-) I really like yours best.

Ancientimages said...

We don't get many gulls here in Colorado, but I have to admit, they are among my favorite birds and I photograph them every chance I get. This is an excellent shot.