Saturday, January 27, 2007


A quick shot today, it was blustery all day and I didn't get out. I keep this basket of apples either in the kitchen or dining room, they're fake.


Mike Holley said...

Hi Karen,

Great idea having one green apple...

How did you light this?

Unknown said...

Doesn't look fake at all :)

photowannabe said...

Hi, great shot. i thought they were real at first. Nice color composition.

MattO said...

Very nice shot and nice lighting, they dont look fake to me.

Kekiinani said...

Hi Karen, They sure do look real!! :) Great shot :)

talj said...

For fake they look excellent! Maybe they work better with your lighting set up? :o)

Unknown said...

Wow!You have to know what you are doing to get shots like this. Nice pic.

puzzled p said...

I'm curious how you light this, too. It's exceptional lighting. Heeehee, you fooled me with the fruit as well.

Terra Photography said...

I like the lighting and how you put the one green apple in with the red. And I agree with the others that the apples don't look fake at all!