Thursday, February 22, 2007


This is the brick shed on Signal Hill.


Lori Schmidt (LoriProPhoto) said...

Lovely detail in the snow drift, the windswept look. After our blizzard I was hoping to get some like this,like sand dunes almost but just couldnt pull them off. I hope no-one has to use that building because I don't think they would be able to get in there with all that snow in the doorway LOL. As usual nicely exposed shot.


Memories Catcher said...

Interesting shot.I like the composition and point of view.Good contrast between the house and the snow.Good job!

Corey Ford said...

I bet it was blowing pretty good up there when you guys had thet last storm......nice point of view, B&W looks good here.

puzzled p said...

We just got a bunch of snow (not so common here) and I've been trying to think of how I can get a good, interesting shot of it. Now that I see this, I know the secret - interesting light! You've got GREAT light here!