Monday, February 05, 2007


2 photos taken from Duckworth Street this morning.


Michael P. Randazzo said...

I have missed a few of your posts but when I return I am not surprised, you just keep amazing me with your talent.

Anonymous said...

I love the bright colored buildings.

photowannabe said...

Lovely buildings. The snow looks like its getting a little slushy.

Kekiinani said...

Hi Karen, I just love your town. It is sooooo wonderfully colorful. Great shots :)

Mike Holley said...

Great street scene with the different coloured buildings. we have nothing like this over here.

Unknown said...

I like the first picture. Colourful little houses are really great :)

Vikas said...

Love the colors in the first one! Great shots!

now back to browsing rest of the pictures I missed in your blog :)

puzzled p said...

Oooh, someday I want to visit you! You live in such a beautiful place and it shows by your wonderful captures that you love it, too. The buildings look like they could be on a movie set - they're really cute.

puzzled p said...
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Ancientimages said...

I absolutely love the different colors of the buildings. You do great work!

talj said...

What lovely buildings!! Looks like a really interesting place to visit :o)