Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

Yep, it's my birthday today. Since it's just the two of us we have mini cakes instead of a big one. Here are a few pics I took of them, and of some ballons that I blew up just for pictures. I'm too old for balloons, right?


randyinNL said...

Happy Birthday Karen. My day isn't complete till I've taken a look at your wonderful pictures.

Country Girl said...

Nobody is too old for balloons! Happy Birthday, Karen. Your little cakes are beautiful, as are your photographs.

Pixel Peeper said...

Happy birthday!

Love your cakes; hope you had a nice day!

Lori Schmidt (LoriProPhoto) said...

As usual too late for this but sending you birthday wishes too even if they are a bit late. I have been catching up on pics that I have missed during my absence which has been longer than I thought. Beautiful photos as always!!
