Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Rain + Drizzle + Fog = Icebergs?

We've had a lot of RDF lately and it's been too foggy to see if there are more icebergs coming close. I suspect there are, as the northeast wind that brings the ugly weather will also bring the icebergs. I saw these small icebergs this morning, one in the entrance to Quidi Vidi harbour and the other 2 in Cuckold's Cove nearby. I am hoping that when the fog lifts we'll see a lot more.


Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Very cool (no pun intended). I'm still amazed that you live where you can see icebergs.

Unknown said...

I didn't see icebergs this past year because I am in a village about 30 k up river from the Ungava but when I was on the Hudson Strait we saw the annual run every June and July. Every year, one would ground somewhere near our northern village. I, like the inuit instructed me, would harvest the ice for unbelievably pure water that made tea that tasted great! your photos reminded me of that experience. I had a point and shot digital back then. I wish I had my Nikon at the time.

Country Girl said...

I love these in black & white! Especially the last one with the glow. Really nice, Karen!