Thursday, January 18, 2007

Ocean Mist

It is colder today than it was yesterday by a couple of degrees and I said I wasn't going to go out and take photos, that I'd set up a still life shot inside. But this morning when I was driving downtown to drop Joe off at work I saw mist rising from the ocean. I've never seen that before. I've seen mist over lakes and rivers but never over the ocean. So I went back home to get my camera and took some pictures. The first picture was taken from Harbourside Park looking out through the narrows and the 2nd picture was taken across the harbour near Fort Amherst.


Elaine said...

It's 23F here, and I'm staying inside! I really like the mist on the water. Definitely worth going outside for!

Lori Schmidt (LoriProPhoto) said...

A good opportunity seen and well captured, so often I have seen something and not had my camera and not gone back and could kick myself afterwards because you never see the same again.


Jo said...

Very nice, I've never seen that before either. I havent set foot outside in a few days. Brrrr.

Michael P. Randazzo said...

That's so cool, or is it warm? I think the air is cold and the water is warm.

Whatever, it is an excellent capture.

Unknown said...

Nice work. You can feel the cold.

Corey Ford said...

man oh man it looks cold there......nice pictures, worth the trip back home:-)

Anonymous said...

That mist rising off the ocean is amazing. I haven't seen it either.

Mr. Cross said...

Don't worry it is snowing in LA today from what my friend told me.

I think what always gets me about your shots is the composition is right on everytime. I like these snow shots because you were able to capture the snow scene and make me believe that i am there. Really great how you can do that.

Erik said...

*can't stand the guilt*

Here's a comment! :p

talj said...

oh wow! these are fantastic, I love the mist and the cold feel you have captured here! :o)

Jenny said...

Holy smokes! That's kind of spookey! Time to head South! LOL :)

Unknown said...

Wonderfull capture. Especially the second one. I love your yesterdays photos as well. Imagine, I didn't send my kids to school today. Everything because of the hurricane, however it was only excuse, It wasn't so bad in the morning. I admire that you go out during such weather.

puzzled p said...

The mist is really cool! I've seen it before, but never as well captured as you've done here. Glad you decided to take some pictures of it!